Monday, December 31

Join or Renew Today for a Year of Member Benefits

ARTnews ($32.95 instead of $39.95- 1 Year)
Aperture Magazine ($32 instead of $40- 1 Year)
Feminist Studies ($30 instead of $35- 1Year)
Fractured Atlas, free Associate Membership
Ms Magazine ($15 Subscription Rate)
*NEW* The Art List (free subscription, instead of $15 per year)
The Feisty Women's Plan-Ahead Guide to Estate Planning (downloadable from the National website)
Utrecht Art Supplies - 10% Discount
Woman's Art Journal ($21 instead of $24- 1 Year)

ArtList (, with your membership you can login via the National website with a special WCA sign up code, that will give you full access for free.

You will of course benefit even more from our network of artists, monthly meetings and opportunities that are provided on the local level.

See the two links in the right sidebar for ways to join.

If you have any questions, email